An adventure in creativity.
I started what is now Metal Reimagined (formerly The Metalwright’s Shop) in my small studio at my home in Northern California in 1999. In the beginning I focused mainly on welding functional structures such as gates, brackets, and frames. I gradually grew to express my creativity through more and more complex projects. I discovered an appreciation for the creative process. This involves having an idea and considering how I could produce the desired result. With materials on hand (preferably), I fabricate the various parts needed, then combine those parts. Over the years, my skills improved and the machines I use have been continuously upgraded to allow a greater range of options and capabilities.
With much support from friends and family, I have grown Metal Reimagined into what it is today. The photos on the pages of this website represent some aspects of my interests and tastes. They also allow the prospective client to imagine what I can do to help them bring their own ideas into reality. Each project has its own story from the motivation behind the idea to the subtle differences that make the piece unique. Many pieces are actually a combination of individual projects.
Sometimes a piece of art evolves organically and other times they are entirely made according to a plan. The Found Art page has pieces that use parts collected from various machines over the years. They are selected mainly because they have an interesting shape or come from a person or place close to the client. The other pages largely represent items made entirely for their purpose.
I hope you enjoy looking at these pictures. If they inspire you to commission a piece or reimagine something you have, please contact me for a free consultation.
Thank You,
Marc Douville Metal Reimagined (or The Metalwright’s Shop)
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Ceramics by Jono Pandolfi & Design by No